
Environmentalists are a larger part of the national conversation than ever. Politicians across the United States and Europe are putting more of an emphasis on environmental policy. That means a greater focus on policies that protect the environment and fine or penalize companies who do not follow those regulations. Businesses and nonprofits are spending more money than ever on trying to understand new government regulations in the environmental policy space. You can book a college professor, government official or activist who has a background as an environmentalist. These individuals can help your organization learn more about environmental policy at the local, state, and federal level.

Speaker Booking Agency makes it easy to book an environmentalist. You can filter your search by industry or by geography. Booking a speaker here means booking an environmentalist who is a good fit for your organization ideologically and culturally. Contact us today!

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Top 10 Environmentalists

Speakers List

Alexandra Cousteau Environmental Advocate and Water Policy Expert

A National Geographic Emerging Explorer, filmmaker and globally recognized advocate on water issues, Alexandra... Read More

Category: Environmentalists , Sustainability Speakers , Activists

Alysia Reiner Actress Best Known for Orange Is The New Black

Alysia is an award winning actress, producer, mother, humanitarian, and outspoken environmentalist. As an actr... Read More

Category: Actors-Actresses , Environmentalists , Sustainability Speakers

Autumn Peltier Canadian Indigenous Clean Water Activist

Water protector Autumn Pelter, popularly called a water warrior is an internationally recognized advocate for... Read More

Category: Environmentalists , Sustainability Speakers , Diversity Speakers

David Suzuki Environmentalist & Scientist

David Suzuki, co-founder of the David Suzuki Foundation, is an award-winning scientist, environmentalist, and... Read More

Category: Environmentalists , Science Speakers

Katharine Wilkinson Leading Climate Change Strategist

Katharine K. Wilkinson's mission is to help humanity see possibility and persevere in making it real

Category: Sustainability Speakers , Environmentalists , Leadership Speakers

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