Because of the pandemic, around the world, events and speakers have had to go virtual. Speakers have had to adjust to the new style of presenting in addition to the technological differences associated with online events. As in-person events resume, technology will continue to play a major role in the future of events.
Hybrid Events Aren’t Going Anywhere
From now on we will continue to see companies employ a hybrid approach that combines in-person and virtual features to encourage more consumers to attend events. With hybrid event models, events are now able to reach a wider audience.
The Future of Speakers and Panels
Speaker panels are technologically reliant. Google Meet and Zoom, for example, have evolved in the last year to better accommodate consumers. Technology will have to bridge the gap between on-stage speakers, the audience, and virtual speakers for hybrid models to succeed. Audiences this year will become increasingly comfortable with the speaker not being physically present. Companies will begin holding quarterly events rather than a single annual event – this will allow for further audience tailoring. They might also have virtual speakers each month and bring in a prominent speaker quarterly.
Speakers, NFTs, and Cryptocurrency
NFTs give speakers the chance to take control of their presentations. While NFTs are an appealing concept for events, they are not technologically feasible just yet. When it comes to speakers accepting crypto as a form of payment, it is just another way of exchanging values.
The cost of holograms and the size in which they can be recorded will both decrease. With hologram technology, the future of speaking engagements is an improved customer experience.
Disruption is Inevitable
Future events will include virtual speakers, holographic keynotes, and mixed audiences. Speakers and audiences will get increasingly comfortable with unique experiences as hybrid events are held. The future of events and speaking engagements is ripe for disruption, and those that plan ahead will benefit from it.
Speaker Booking Agency can assist you in finding a keynote
speaker for your virtual meeting or event. Trust our team of knowledgeable
agents who are ready to assist you in booking a speaker and ensure the success
of your event. Please use our Online Booking Request Form or
call us at 888-752-5831 if you have any questions.